I have had the amazing good fortune to spend some time in the USA this summer, and I was thrilled to find dollar tree and 99cent stores, which we do not have in Canada. I loved these baby dresses I found in the greater Palm Springs area from the 99 cent store that made the most fantastic no fuss doll dresses! These dresses are sized 6-9 months and were only 99 cents. The seersucker tops make them a perfect doll sized fit with out altering in any way. The cross over fronts to require some simple alteration but think about the possibilities here ladies! Doll dresses that you can glue on flowers or sew buttons on as an afternoon activity or simply as a take home gift at your doll parties. They are not fantastically made but for 99 cents they make the greatest addition to any doll play wardrobe and at 99 cents each will not break your party budget! I wish I had bought 20 of these but I only got 5. I hope this inspires some of you to pick some up and create with them!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com

Welcome to our blog! We here at Karen Mom of Three's Craft blog are passionate about doll play. We love our dolls big and small and creating for them. Our passion is sharing what we know with those who love dolls or who have a doll lover in their lives. We are pleased to have you join us and we hope you share with a friend.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Homeschooled? Take a look at this great shop offering some great items for you!
My Friend Susie recommend Carly's shop Neufeld Touch and I am so glad that she did. I fell in love with the Homeschool Girl T-shirts and I think if you are a mom who home schools or girl who is home schooled you may share my love of this adorable shirt.
I had to ask Carly about her shop and how she got started with her business and these are the answers she shared with me.
A:We started sewing at about jr. high age, and since we grew up playing with the dolls, designing and sewing things for them just seemed to happen after we started sewing.
Q: how many American Girl Dolls do you have? Which is your favorite?
A:Personally I have Josefina, Kirsten, Samantha, Kit, and Kailey and Lindsey (Girl of the year 2001 and 2000). Kit and Samantha are my favorites.
Q: How long have you been sewing?
A:Since Jr. High.
Q: you sell on Etsy and locally which do you sell more at?
A:It actually depends on the event. This year at the Home shool Fair we did very well, but at some other local events it's more about advertising that selling. But especially around Christmas time we do most selling off of Etsy.
Q: I love that you have a doll shirt about being home schooled what motivated you to design this shirt?
A:"We were all Home schooled, and we wanted to make something especially reached out to the Homeschool Community because we know that there isn't always cute stuff made for us.
Q: What is your favorite item to make?
A: I love making the 50's inspired party skirts and petticoats, because I absolutely love the fashion from that time, and still wish we wore skirts like that today!
Q: Do you take all your own doll photos and if so do you have any tips on photographing dolls?
A:Yes, we do take all our own photos. When taking photos, make sure to play with angles, don't just take it straight on. Angles make photographs more interesting, and don't forget that you have the best models ever, because they don't move! And just know that even if you take hundreds of pictures, you won't have hundreds that are your favorite.
Carly's shop offers an assortment of great doll items starting at $6. I hope you will check out her shop Neufeld Touch
As with all of my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Monday, August 29, 2011
Fall in love with the 6 inch American Girl Dolls
I recently purchased my first 6 inch doll at the American Girl store in Seattle. I love this little doll. Every detail of the large doll is in the smaller version. I was also thrilled with the hard cover doll sized book with Rebecca's story in it.
This year the American Girl Company is celebrating it's 25 year and they have released several of the Historical figures in their holiday outfits. I can not wait to buy Rebecca in hers, I hope they are going to bring her out soon.
I did get some scoop from the American Girl Company that the last two dolls in the 6 inch collection from the celebration line are going to be the two new historical dolls that are about to be released.
I was also thrilled to find that like the larger dolls I can purpose every day items for 6 inch doll sized doll play.
I got this great little wooden rocking chair at a yard sale
Rebecca fits the chair perfectly!
I highly recommend these adorable and affordable little dolls. At $22 they are well worth the price and you can play with them, Now my doll has her own doll too.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Charm Bracelets for you make great doll necklaces!
Charm Bracelets for you make great necklaces for your doll. I really lucked out at Party City and found this personalized bracelet for my niece Laura's doll, I have it here modeled on my doll Chrissa. The store was clearing them out for only 50 cents. Depending on the selection your store has you may be able to find one with your dolls name on it or even your own. You can also look at other accessory stores and you may find similar items.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Back to school great doll sized deals at Party City!
On a recent trip to Party City in Washington State I found some fantastic back to school themed items perfect for doll play. From tiny doll sized erasers to composition books. I also found an apple and sandwich erasers that are perfect for that back to school lunch! I love the yellow legal pad as well!
Each of these items was no more then 35 cents!
I recommend picking some up for your doll play collection or birthday party loot bags. It's never to early to think about the holidays and if you are someone who celebrated the holidays with "crackers" these fit perfectly in side a handmade holiday cracker. I have written the post for November showing how to make your own doll sized crackers so stay tuned for that one!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Each of these items was no more then 35 cents!
I recommend picking some up for your doll play collection or birthday party loot bags. It's never to early to think about the holidays and if you are someone who celebrated the holidays with "crackers" these fit perfectly in side a handmade holiday cracker. I have written the post for November showing how to make your own doll sized crackers so stay tuned for that one!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Friday, August 26, 2011
Great Earrings for American Girl Dolls from this Etsy shop
These earrings and earrings like these are available from Amy's Etsy shop called
I sent a request to Amy to see if she could make earrings for my American girl doll who has pierced ears and Amy came up with some really adorable earrings for my doll. Amy sells both American Girl doll store Pierced sized earrings and earrings for other 18 inch dolls who have had their ears pierced at home.
I love purple and the way the earrings hang!
Amy also made these fun earrings for my doll that I just love.
I love the chunky size and flower shape of these ones designed by Amy
I sent a request to Amy to see if she could make earrings for my American girl doll who has pierced ears and Amy came up with some really adorable earrings for my doll. Amy sells both American Girl doll store Pierced sized earrings and earrings for other 18 inch dolls who have had their ears pierced at home.
I love purple and the way the earrings hang!
Amy also made these fun earrings for my doll that I just love.
I love the chunky size and flower shape of these ones designed by Amy
I am so thrilled with the earrings I ordered from Amy and I think you would be too. Amy also makes fantastic dolly and me bracelets custom made and perfect for loot bags!
Visit Amy's store at http://www.etsy.com/people/Lemonhead103
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Win this beautiful Keepsake Shirt , Star Necklace and Flag from ABeeline's Etsy shop
Win this beautiful Keep Sake Shirt , Star necklace and flag from http://www.etsy.com/shop/ABeeLine
Bee from A Bee Line's etsy shop has made and donated this beautiful keep sake shirt made to honor and remember those who lost their lives in the events of September 11 2001. This hand made shirt, star necklace and flag will be drawn on September 11th, and I will let the winner know by email. Please note that if you enter this contest you must have your parents permission if you are under the age of 18 and you must be willing to supply me with a mailing address to accept your prize.
To enter email me your name and that you have your parents permission to enter this contest at karenmowen@gmail.com and in the subject line of your email place "T-shirt contest".
Please visit Bee's shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/ABeeLine and as always I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Bee from A Bee Line's etsy shop has made and donated this beautiful keep sake shirt made to honor and remember those who lost their lives in the events of September 11 2001. This hand made shirt, star necklace and flag will be drawn on September 11th, and I will let the winner know by email. Please note that if you enter this contest you must have your parents permission if you are under the age of 18 and you must be willing to supply me with a mailing address to accept your prize.
To enter email me your name and that you have your parents permission to enter this contest at karenmowen@gmail.com and in the subject line of your email place "T-shirt contest".
Please visit Bee's shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/ABeeLine and as always I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Store Exclusive Tee Shirts are my Guilty Pleasure!
On my trip to the new American Girl doll store in Seattle I picked up my 6th American Girl doll store exclusive tee shirt. Though I have only been to 4 of the stores I have received two from stores I have not been to from some wonderful people. I have one on the way from Char my dear friend at www.dolldiaries.com from her recent trip to the DC store.
The store exclusive red tee shirts are only $8 and are a great souvenir for any American Girl doll lover.
The stores have more then a handful of store exclusives that I recommend and I will share more of them with you tomorrow.
My goal is to have one red store shirt from each of the 11 American Girl stores and I would like to put them on a large white canvas where they can hang in my work shop when they are not being worn by one of the dolls. If you are curious the store shirts I do have are Dallas, New York, Kansas, L.A., Boston and Seattle.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Creative Doll Play sets from a very Creative Lady and Shop on Etsy
Okay I fell in love with an Etsy shop called Doll Clothes by Jannie and if you are a fan of doll play and doll play ideas you too will love the ideas and items available from Jannie's shop.
Not only does Jannie make the most adorable multi-purpose doll aprons and accessories but she also offers some great doll play ideas in her listings!
I was so visually attracted to her cup cake stand and flower shop. What brilliant ideas. These sets are available at Jannie's Etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/people/DollClothesbyJannie for only $18 per set.
Dog groomers and Pet shop sets also available!
I also love the Springfield dolls that she has in her photographs. I am a huge fan of these dolls especially as a starter 18 inch doll and friend or cousin for any American girl doll collection or family.
I asked Jannie to share a bit about her shop, her family and her creative doll play ideas.
"I became involved with the 18 inch dolls when I saw my two granddaughters playing and decided the dolls needed something to do. I was researching sites that offered on-line craft stores and was brought to "Etsy" We were recently priced out of our apartment and with my husband's fixed income we are looking for a motor-home or small trailer we can put at a local campsite. With the added income and small space we would have to live in this seems like the perfect job/hobby to engage in."
I loved that Jannie uses Springfield dolls as models and asked her about them.
"I currently have the dolls Abby and Sofia from the "Springfield" collection. I can afford to work with the "Springfield" dolls. They are reasonably priced and they have many ethnic choices to choose from. The dolls are very durable and can survive anything my granddaughters can put them through."
I personally started my nieces off with this doll, I loved their features and price point! They make great starter dolls.
Jannie and I agree on the important roll doll play has in children's lives I asked her to explain why doll play is important .
"The most important part of doll play is actually five things. The first is gross motor skills. Picking the dolls up and moving them around. Fine motor skills comes in second with dressing and undressing the dolls and using the small accessories to create more play. Third and forth is talking for the dolls. When there is more than one doll involved then a child will usually talk back and forth and create conversations for the dolls. This talking is encouraging increased verbal skills and socialization. And finally, five is imagination used equals knowledge earned. Left and right brain activity is utilized when playing with dolls and this is a very good thing, especially for special needs children."
Jannie also makes doll clothes and takes special orders so if you are looking for something unique or special contact her at http://www.etsy.com/people/DollClothesbyJannie
"If mom, dad, or anyone special has a special career and needs a special uniform for an 18 inch doll then just let me know at dollclothesbyjannie@etsy.com and I will put it on my special creation list."
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Monday, August 22, 2011
Look at these fantastic doll Beds!
I meet Renee Osborn Monroe through a Facebook group I belong to called Liberty Jane. Renee has been making the most fantastic American Girl doll beds from a pattern she found for free on http://www.ana-white.com/ . The bed called the Farm House bed as been lovingly assembled for you by Renee and available from her Etsy shop BandD doll things or you can visit the above link and follow along to make your own bed for your 18 inch doll.
Renee tells me she did use the pattern from www.ana-white.com in the beginning but she did make her own pattern for the bunk bed she makes and sells!
"I made everything myself with out my husbands help, so you should give it a try. If not let me know. I did have my 4 year olds help! I let him paint and help sand." says Renne
I love the way you can hang your doll clothes at the end of the bed! Genius!
If you are thinking of making the bed your self Renee recommends the free step by step patterns from www.ana-white.com saying "It might be something you and the kids can do together"
I am totally motivated by Renee's work and think I will have to give it a try and make my own, if however that does not work out at least I now know where I can buy a beautiful bed! Please visit Renee's Etsy shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/BandDdollthings
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Want a personalized American Girl Bag for school or doll play storage? Check out this Etsy shop!
I found the most fantastic bag on Etsy from a great shop called http://www.etsy.com/shop/nnichols
I really wanted to share it with you. The bags available from Nicole's shop are not overpriced and are made in American. Best part is you can have your name embroidered on it for only $14!
I asked Nicole about the reason behind offering this item in her shop and she tells me "I wanted to give my daughter something to hold her American Girl doll things in that wasn't over priced, made in America, and was actually funcational!!! I had the logo professionally digitized and can do this on any color tote."
Nicole's bags are approx 12"w x 14"h x 6.5"d.in size and take 14-18 days to ship with in the USA.
The bag has a large main section with self-fabric small pockets; left side pocket, webbing handles.
Nicole tells me that larger quantities of this bag are available so if you are thinking of an up coming birthday, or other gift giving occasion for more then just yourself or your own little girl order early! (This item is currently only available in the USA)
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a message here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
I really wanted to share it with you. The bags available from Nicole's shop are not overpriced and are made in American. Best part is you can have your name embroidered on it for only $14!
I asked Nicole about the reason behind offering this item in her shop and she tells me "I wanted to give my daughter something to hold her American Girl doll things in that wasn't over priced, made in America, and was actually funcational!!! I had the logo professionally digitized and can do this on any color tote."
Nicole's bags are approx 12"w x 14"h x 6.5"d.in size and take 14-18 days to ship with in the USA.
The bag has a large main section with self-fabric small pockets; left side pocket, webbing handles.
Nicole tells me that larger quantities of this bag are available so if you are thinking of an up coming birthday, or other gift giving occasion for more then just yourself or your own little girl order early! (This item is currently only available in the USA)
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a message here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Looking for hawaiian outfits for your doll? Take a look at these sets from Aunt Bees Old Sew N Sew on Etsy
I happened upon this shop on Etsy that had some adorable "surfing" shorts and Hawaiian inspired tops and I had to share them with you! These fantastic outfits can be found on Etsy at Aunt Bees Old Sew N Sew
The shorts have a side band that match the tops too cute!
The set costs$15.00 each and are perfectly inspired by this years Girl of the Year doll Kanani from American Girl and as you can see looks great on other 18 inch dolls.
I also love how Bee posed the dolls with the hand made surfboard!
I asked Aunt Bee about her shop and family and she tells me
she started sewing doll clothes when she was 5, but American Girl/18 Inch doll clothes when her oldest daughter was about 4 years old. (12 years ago)
A lady at Joann Fabrics told Bee about Etsy.com one day when she was shopping for fabric for her nieces 18 inch doll. Her husband told her that she should list the extra clothes she had made on there. " I was encouraged by my first sale and haven't looked back." says Bee
How did she get started with American girl dolls? Bee says "I bought each one of my three daughters an 18 inch doll when they started Kindergarten. Kayla (the oldest) picked out a blonde haired blue eyed American Girl Doll from a local shop. When my twins Amanda and Brittany started school the shop had closed and I couldn't afford American Girl Dolls so they picked out Tiny Tots Dolls from Target. I have since "borrowed" the girls dolls to use as models for my shop.
I like creating something new that no one has ever done before. So far my favorite has been the pettiskirts and butterfly slouch shirts. They are so cute and unique."
What are your future plans for your shop?
"Some day I hope to have my own website, but for now I sell on Etsy only. They have been really good to me and they reach all over the world. I have talked with some really neat people from other countries and even continents!"
"Aunt Bee" makes these outfits and many more fantastic doll play items like Wizard costumes and "Snuggies". I highly recommend checking out these fun doll clothes.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Friday, August 19, 2011
Looking for American Girl Doll themed invites you can print your self? Check out this Etsy shop!
I love party invites that match the theme of the party and I found this Etsy shop called With that smile that makes custom invites that you can print from home or at your local one hour photo studio.
For a small flat fee you can have your invite designed by Jennifer and then receive your design by email. Then you can up load the design j-peg to your local photo printer. (I use Walmart and My grocery store) for only pennies a piece.
My niece Laura love this one best I think I would also agree love that my doll is on this one!
So for your next American Girl themed party consider these fantastic invites or better yet have her design your Thank you cards!
I asked Jennifer about her shop and how she started in on the invitation business and this is what Jennifer shared with me
"Let's start with the fun stuff" said Jennifer " I am a SAHM to five beautiful children under the age of seven, three girls and two boys. I started my shop six years ago, 2005 after I ordered my oldest daughter's first birthday invitations. When the product arrived, I was less than thrilled with the quality and knew I had the ability to design my own from then on. I didn't begin with American Girl doll templates until about three years ago when my daughter started to play with her bitty twin. Since then it has been a very popular item in the shop." Jennifer also tells me
"I have about ten templates now that I rotate into listings as some are specific to seasons. I can customize any template to use any doll currently available through the AG website. I have been able to find some retired ones too!"
I wondered how long it takes her to get her proofs to the client and she tells me her turnaround time is usually less than 24 hours for the initial proof. She then work with the client to make changes until they are completely satisfied with the design.
The final invitations can be printed by Jennifer and shipped via usps or there's an option to purchase the digital file via email for self printing.
Jennifer prides herself in her work, products and customer service. Jennifer wants all of her clients to become return customers. With her selection and fantastic prices I can see that happening time and time again.
Jennifer started out selling on Ebay first and then found Etsy.
Jennifer says "I love Etsy, it's products as well as resourceful sellers. Have closed my Ebay shop this Spring never to look back! I am also in the process of putting together an independent store at www.withthatsmile.com .I love what I am doing designing photo invitations, but my passion is for photography. My hope is to someday merge the two into a second career! But for now, I enjoy snapping the five little faces smiling back at me! With That Smile ~ celebrating your favorite smile with style!"
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Thursday, August 18, 2011
AND THE WINNER OF THE 3RD Doll Play Space photo contest is....
CAELEN ! is the winner of the 3rd contest. She wins a set of Pj's for her dolls made for her by me and I will mail out her prize today.
Caelen has 4 dolls as you can see and has created a special place for them.
Thank you to everyone who entered this contest! I am happy to tell you that I have some fun monthly contests coming up made by some wonderful people on Etsy and I hope that more of you will join in. I have also a new facebook group page started I also hope you will join on there if you have facebook. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Karens-craft-blogspot/114143981991215
Tiffany sent in this photo and I just love it! What a creative way to display and play with your dolls, giving them their own shelf apartment!
Also last months winner Lauren, sent me this photo of her doll wearing the Pj's I sent her as her prize. Julie is wearing the Pj's I made as Lauren's prize.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Fabulous NikiG's American Girl Doll Bed! Easy to make and easy on the Pocket Book!
My talented and amazingly friend the Fabulous NickiG has come up with the most fantastic and easy American Girl Doll Bed craft that any girl can make for under $5! NickiG has shared with me her easy step by step directions and has allowed me to share these ideas with you!
1. 2 med flat rate boxes from post office – free2. Clear packing tape - $1
3. 1 roll brown packing paper - $1 You can also use different patterns of wrapping paper.
4. 2 metallic sheets of card stock - .10 - .15 Use can use different colors to match paper
5. 1 fleece blanket - $3 – I made the blanket and pillow. There was enough to make several.
1. Fold both boxes and tape them individually. Leave the end flat of one box up for the headboard2. Tape both boxes together long ways
3. Wrap with packing or wrapping paper
4. Hot glue card stock at foot of bed for foot board
5. Hot glue card stock at top for head board on front and back of end flap so it’s more sturdy
There you go a perfect doll bed for less than $5.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
C H E E R ! for Cheer outfits from this Etsy shop!
I found this great Etsy shop that makes custom cheer outfits for 18 inch dolls and I loved this option!
If you are a girl in Cheer or have a daughter in Cheer and are looking to find a matching team outfit take a look at Doris Vanderfrift's shop http://www.etsy.com/people/nanadory54
For the low price of $19.50 you get to chose the colors of your cheer suit and you can chose from either long sleeve or no sleeve (my favorite)
The pompoms come with the outfits and are made in the co-coordinating colors and have an elastic built in for the dolls to be able to hold!
The cost of each outfit includes everything seen here in the colors of your choice and are made with in 3-5 days of your order!
This is one of the best deals on Etsy I have seen!
I asked Doris a bit about her self and her shop and this is what she shared with me.
Here is a bit of our interview
Q:When did you start sewing?A:I started sewing when I was a little girl, probably about ten years old. I remember sewing my own clothes in 7th grade. My family had six kids, not a lot of money, and for me it was a way to have extra clothes from what my parents would buy us for school.
Q:When did you discover American Girl dolls?
A:Just last year - I realized the popularity.
Q:Who did you create your first American Girl doll outfit for and why?
A:I have three granddaughters who love dolls just their their Nana. Last fall I decided to make clothes for the knock off dolls they had and realized how much fut it is - it allows me to express my creative side. I have now created some of my own patterns. I can sew (which is a passion of mine) and play dress up with dolls of my own as an adult in my spare time. Who says we have to grow up. (I SO AGREE HERE!)
Q:How many 18 inch dolls do you have and who do you use to model for your photos? ( I see the Ag and the Springfield dolls which I also love)
A: Right now I have the AG dolls Molly and Josefina. I have the Springfield dolls as well, which is what my granddaughters have.
All my cheer-leading outfits are special order because there are no two teams alike. That's why I like making these so much - each one is different. And it's fun to let the moms and grandmas be creative
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
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