Monday, September 10, 2012

Caroline Abbot~ Thoughts

If you follow the Doll world and introduction of new products from American Girl then you know all about their newest historical doll Caroline Abbot.
Caroline Abbot's Story is from 1812. Her stories are from a very rich time in history.
I love that American Girl writes historically based fiction for girls, from a girls point of view.

Doll Diaries has kindly previewed her book collection which you can read by clicking here as well as posted a photo of her 6 inch version.
I have been asked my thoughts and opinions of her as a doll, historical figure and collection and today I wanted to share them with you.

First my thoughts about the 18 inch doll ....
At first look of Caroline I decided that she was not a doll I would immediately put on my wish list. She is a beautiful doll and I know she will make so many girls blissfully happy. As an Adult Doll collector she is not the doll for me. That being said I would buy her in a heart beat for one of my nieces as she is marketed to them and not me. Her clothing is a pretty pink color but not my favorite part of her. I love her hair, and I think she looks so much like Lannie Girl of the year doll. So if you were lucky enough to get Lannie while you had the chance I would snap up parts of her collection and they could be sisters or cousins for sure.

My thoughts on her collection....
I am thrilled as a an Adult Doll Collector with her collection, I love the boat, and her "room" but the price is truly going to make many parents have to make tough choices.

My thoughts on her clothing line...
I love this time period and clothing from this era, I look forward to seeing these outfits and I love the outfits I am seeing on Etsy from Doll Clothes Designers. Even if you do no add Caroline to your doll family I highly suggest adding pieces from her collection or time period from Etsy to your doll play wardrobe.

My thoughts on her story and books....
Some of you may know that I am Canadian, living in Canada and Caroline's story and book collection is about a time where my country of Canada (Canada was a part of the British Empire at the time) and that of The United States were at war. War is a sensitive subject at the best of times and I am interested to see how the war is perceived by Caroline and how it is incorporated in her story. I will reserve judgment on the story until I have read it. That being said I know that around the world so many girls of military families will relate to Caroline's story. I am looking forward to reading her story.

*Thank you  to Doll Diaries for most of the images in today's post 

All in all my thoughts are positive on Caroline and her historical line. I would love to hear from you on your thoughts about Caroline. As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Karen, I don't think you'll be pleased with how Canadians are depicted in the series. AG lost an opportunity in giving a more balanced view of what happened, and it was a perfect opportunity to do so since the setting is right on the US/Canadian border and the subject of those caught directly in the conflict was addressed. The point of view is very clear. The Americans are the good guys, no question about it. Few Americans even know much about the Canadian involvement in this war, Few students know much about this war at all. It just isn't an important chapter in US history, and it does contain some truly shameful events in there, namely what happened to the Indians and their land. It was a massive land snatch from them. The point that is made in history is that we beat Great Britain in the area of their pride, the sea, kept our borders and came up with our national anthem.. I wasn't even aware of the battles on the Canadian border, and my US history background is stronger than most people's. Caroline's story did bring the setting up north, but again, Canada is pretty much ignored except that some of the "bad guys' supporting the British live there, and that Caroline' Uncle's would prefer to lose all he owns than to be Canadian.

    The books are well written and interesting to read. The accessories, wardrobe and furniture are exquisite. The doll will be a hit for the younger crowd, but it remains to be seen if the big ticket items will sell.

  2. I love her eye color, she is actually on my list, even though she doesn't have my favorite face mold. Now, if she had the same mold as Rebecca, Julie, Elizabeth, etc... she'd be at the top. I love those eyes. (and her hair...I'd change her anyhow, I think her dress is pretty but she'd be a model for my shop so her clothes are a non-issue. lol)

  3. In American History (all the times I was in it...), The War of 1812 was either skipped or so quickly summarized, there wasn't really much time to really grasp it. Only one time, I actually had an idea what the war was but quickly forgot it, though there actually were a lot of important parts to it like William Henry Harrison's triumphs which led to his time in office... as short as it was, poor guy. The national anthem in 1814, and the indefinant boarder between the US and Canada.

    As of the doll herself and seeing all that I have so far, she reminds me of Felicity and Elizabeth rolled into one. To me anyway, she has Felicity's spark, face, and half a eye color. She has Elizabeth's loyality, hair, half a eye color, and pink. Honestly, she'd be great for anyone who didn't get the pairing. The parlor reminds me of an early Our Generation set, which I found really cool... although I don't remember owning it and not for the price AG is asking for. The boat's interesting but I don't think I want it. The only thing, other than her meet outfit, that I want is her travel dress because of how modern it looks.
