Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My own Harmony Club Doll Arianna has Arrived

I am thrilled to share with you today my newest doll Arianna, a Harmony Club Doll.
She recently arrived and I am so excited to share her with you. 

She is an 18 inch doll with an amazing head of cascading strawberry blonde wavy hair (which is a wig and not rooted).

 She has the most adorable freckle pattern of any doll I have ever seen. Her outfit is very trendy and her boots are fantastic, very easy to take off and put on.

 Her nails are also very lightly colored giving her a polished look.

The Harmony Club Dolls are new to the 18 inch doll market and full of doll play potential.  This new line of dolls and clothing is sure to delight any doll lover or collector alike. 

Comparing Arianna to my American Girl Doll Ruthie I notice that even though Arianna measures in at 18 inches, Ruthie seems a bit taller. I notice this with some of my AG dolls some are taller then other AG,just like girls no two seem to be exactly alike.
 You can see what I the height difference better in this photo. Arianna's hair is down behind her knees!
Lots of styling potential in this doll.
I also got the new Mystical Mermaid Costume with silver slippers. This outfit is very colorful easy to put on and a hit with my young niece. She says it is like a parade outfit.
 Here is a close up of the adorable shoes.

 I am so excited by their line of doll clothing and costumes for dolls. Check out their Halloween outfits, I really want the pumpkin one! Love the boots too!

You can visit Harmony Club Doll's Website by clicking here   

If you are on Facebook you can drop by their fan page by clicking here  

 As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com


  1. Arianna is pretty, looks a lot like a Goetz doll. I've complained about AG's random doll heights before and think they should change the size to 17 to 19 inches tall. AG claims that all dolls are the same height but mine also vary, which is why I don't believe them.

  2. All my AG Dolls are different heights and I have heard lots of different stories as why, Mostly my guess is as the placement of the wig can make the doll taller. My dolls with looser limbs seem to be taller as well. My Pre Mattel Dolls are taller then my Newer AG dolls, not sure why. Sometimes the dolls have larger bottoms depending on how they were stuffed.

    1. From Skippysmom:
      My dolls have larger bottoms, too. I think it is because they sneak into the pantry at night and eat the chocolate cake mix. Naughty dolls!

  3. I am an older doll collector. I have 30 AG dolls and 150 others. I have been on the fence about these dolls. I appreciate your review. I might purchase one now.

  4. from Skippysmom:
    I agree Tari. This doll has a rounder face than the A.G. dolls so the Harmony dolls look like younger girls than A.G. The doll with the denim jacket looks like a very stubborn 4 year old.
