Today is the one day that will stand out forever in my mind. I know exactly where I was, what I was doing and about everything that happened September 11, 2001. I remember being stunned, I remember being scared and I remember not turning off the news for the months that followed.
I remember also the way we all came together. I remember the line up at my local hospital, how the line went around 4 blocks to donate blood. To put this in perspective for you, I live in CANADA, I live three hours north of Seattle, many people here felt that the attack on the United States was a an attack on our brother, our cousin and our friend. I remember feeling helpless in the first few hours, dumbfounded and confused.
In the days and weeks that followed I was glued like most people to every piece of reported news.
My son was 9 months old. My mom's group took a walk along one of our busy shorelines. It was so quiet, there were 12 of us and there was no noise from boats, no planes in the sky, until we came upon another person brave enough to be out walking. She commented on how brave we were to take our children out in public, how if it was her she would have been afraid to leave the house with a baby due to the recent events but that she felt hope and relief that we were bold enough to take back our own freedom and not live in fear.
Much has happened and the world has changed so much since September 11, 2001 and yet much has stayed the same.
Please take a moment today to remember those who's lives were forever altered by then events of September and all that has happened since. I would also like to ask you today to do something in honor of the memories of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and that is to do something to exercise your freedom in a positive way, take a walk, say a prayer, make a new friend, do something nice for someone else. Be the change you want to see in your world.
Feel free to post in the comment section your own memories of September 11th if you feel like sharing your experiences with us today.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

Welcome to our blog! We here at Karen Mom of Three's Craft blog are passionate about doll play. We love our dolls big and small and creating for them. Our passion is sharing what we know with those who love dolls or who have a doll lover in their lives. We are pleased to have you join us and we hope you share with a friend.
My son was the head of Brooklyn College EMS when 9/11 happened. He grabbed some "volunteers" who happened to be hanging out in the office that day and loaded a bus with extra gear. They headed into the city by going through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel.
ReplyDeleteHalf way through the tunnel they were hit by a very strong wind loaded with dust and paper debris. Slowing up they continued on their mission. Behind the paper storm they saw, coming at them a police car followed by hundreds of running people. They put the bus (term for ambulance) into reverse and started backing their way out of the tunnel, with people grabbing hold of the bus and clinging to it they pulled out of the tunnel and with the help of the on hand police car they set up a triage area.
They spent about an hour or so there until they were relieved by a replacement crew. They headed back into the tunnel and completed their trip to Ground Zero where they were all assigned jobs. My younger son spent over 24 hours in the hole. He was on the bucket brigade (for which he still has nightmares) bringing out debris containing human remains and body parts.
We had no idea of the extent of his involvement till a year or so later he was video taped giving a talk about that day at a Jewish Center in New Jersey.
He is now an instructor and Disaster Co-ordinater with the New York City Office of Emergency Management.
It is for everyday heroes like your son, placed in the most extraordinary situations, facing unbelievable challenges every day as a result of the attack that occurred 12 years ago that we must never forget. That we must always remember the extreme sacrifice and strength each person had and that one the most ordinary of days the most extraordinary things happen. Today I light a candle for your son, for his friends, for the people I never met who rose to the challenge of that day, for those who I refuse to let be forgotten.Thank you for having the courage to share your sons story, your story with us.