My Sister Bre-Anne, has recently returned from a visit to London where upon landing in London she and her husband made their way to the My London Girl store in London's Westfield Shopping Centre.
Bre-Anne told me she was so impressed with the store, it's layout and the amazing items for both the My London Girl dolls and for girls.
The store has not over looked one detail and they have gone the extra mile ensuring every visitor a feast for the eyes.
The dressing rooms are so inviting and have such a royal feel!
I love the colors, the textures and scale of the furniture in the changing rooms!
I was so happy to see this photo as some of you may know I love store exclusive shirts! I am so thankful my sister remembered this and brought me home the I heart MLG shirt for my dolls!
My sister said she was so impressed with the quality of the doll clothes and the attention to detail. I love the costumes for dolls and girls!
In store you can also purchase some wonderful Gotz dolls and accessories.
A fantastic assortment of in store accessories for girls and dolls are truly something to see on your own!
The doll shoes are fantastic! (and for my American Girl Doll enthusiasts the shoes work perfectly on American Girl Dolls!) The styles and selection is fantastic and I just love the sparkly outfit! My niece Trinity got a pair of the matching shoes and they are so cute!
The My London Girl store is a family owned business and while in the store my sister had the pleasure of meeting with the Neagle family. Bre-Anne captured this photo near the Changing rooms that features the Neagle family girls as well as the professional models for the product line! A wonderful family touch and a great idea.
I am very thankful to my sister Bre-Anne for making the trip to the store for me and meeting with the Neagle family as well as taking these wonderful photos to share with all of you!
So if you are lucky enough to live in the UK, make the trip to My London Girl Store your next destination! Or if you are like myself here in North American start saving your pennies and turn them into British Pounds and plan your trip to London and be sure to visit the store in Westfield, London Shopping Centre for your next holiday!
Thank you to the Neagle family for taking the time to meet with my sister and brother in law and for the wonderful gift of My London Girl dolls and products, for Girls everywhere!
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That's such an amazing store! I think that it's my 2nd favourite doll store, next to AG Place. I really like the princess dress in the 7th photo... it reminds me of Elizabeth's dress from AG :)